My kids have always seemed to love to dip things. When my son Max was just a little guy, we dined at a restaurant that served fresh vegetables and dip. He absolutely LOVED it, but he was really using the vegetables as a spoon for the dip, not actually eating them! When our waiter checked on our table and asked if we needed anything, Max uttered his first complete sentence: “More dip please”. We were all a little shocked that he said what he said so clearly… so we let him have more dip.
It is really nice to serve some dips in individual bowls for each diner. This way you can somewhat control portion (trust me, with kids like mine this can be important- this way half of the dip bowl doesn’t disappear with two carrot
A great way to serve dip sticks) and if they double dip, it doesn’t matter. I have tons of cute little bowls that I sometimes use for this purpose but they seem to pile up quickly if you are serving a crowd.
One solution that I absolutely love is edible dip bowls! Cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and tomatoes all work well for this. The best part is, when you eat all of your dip you can enjoy eating the bowl too!
Individual Edible Dip Bowls
Number of servings: 4
Per Serving 31 calories
Fat 0 g
Carbs 7 g
Protein 2 g
A simple solution to serving dip in a perfectly "green" individual serving bowl.

For cucumber, zucchini, or summer squash: Wash vegetables and cut into 3" long pieces. Use a melon baller or round metal measuring spoon to carefully hollow out the center of each piece. Fill with dip of your choice and serve.

Carefully scoop out the center of the tomato with a melon baller or measuring spoon. If the bottom is too thin, place the top of the tomato, upside down, as re-enforcement. Add dip as desired.
When choosing vegetables for this recipe, opt for ones that have a wider circumference so that there will be enough room to allow dipping.